Raymond Island Permaculture Projects

Supporting community, reducing waste, building soils.

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Fun facts:
For every
1% rise of organic carbon content in the soil, we can retain 144,000Lt of water per hectare!

Links are now being made between how healthy balanced soils lead to healthy balanced humans.
That the universe of microbiome in soils actually boost the microbiome in our bodies,
helping to support us mentally and physically as we live ever longer lives.


Our WHY for the land is - to regenerate soil life to a point of self-regeneration where it is able to retain enough moisture from our country’s ever more random rain events to support natural forests and landscapes alongside many small scale enterprises designed to sustain multiple families.
Our WHY for the community is - to move in a direction of community sufficiency, catching as many valuable waste streams as possible before they are lost and return them as valued products and services. This also...

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